SEO and Video: Leverage Video Content for the New Search Era

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, search engine optimization (SEO) strategies continue to be critical for businesses, though they are starting to look a little different. As experts in video animation production, Flikli is here to explain why video content is the unsung hero of SEO and how you can leverage it for maximum online visibility.

Video Content: The Preferred Format of Today’s Internet Users

With increasing internet speeds and the growth of mobile usage, video content has become a preferred format for internet users. This preference hasn’t gone unnoticed by search engines, which now factor in video content in their ranking algorithms. Including video content on your website can significantly boost your SEO, increasing your online visibility and attracting more visitors.

Improve Your Engagement Metrics

Videos are engaging and can keep visitors on your site longer, decreasing your bounce rate—a factor considered in search engine rankings. Additionally, compelling video content is more likely to be shared, increasing your site’s backlinks and further boosting your SEO.

YouTube: The Second Largest Search Engine

Did you know that YouTube is the second largest search engine, next only to Google? By creating engaging video content and optimizing your YouTube channel, you can tap into this massive platform and reach a wider audience. Remember to optimize your video descriptions and tags with relevant keywords for maximum impact.

Transcripts and Captions: Unlock More SEO Juice

Including transcripts and captions for your videos isn’t just about accessibility—it’s also a great SEO strategy. These texts can be crawled by search engines, giving them more context about your video content. This additional data can enhance your video’s visibility in search engine results.

Video Thumbnails: Increase Click-Through Rates

Video thumbnails in search engine results pages can drastically improve your click-through rates. A well-chosen thumbnail can make your listing more engaging and attractive, enticing users to click through to your site.

At Flikli, we’re dedicated to helping you navigate the new search era with our expertly crafted animated video content. Let us help you optimize your SEO strategy and harness the full potential of video content in this new era of search.

Get in touch with Flikli to learn more.